IAEA-TECDOC-692 (published in 1993), Proceedings of TM on poolside inspection, repair and reconstitution of LWR fuel rods |
Publications Advanced Search | IAEA |
– TRS-385 (published in 1996), Guidebook on DE of water reactor fuel (results of CRP, 1990-1995) |
Search | IAEA |
IAEA-TECDOC-1050 (published in 1998), Proceedings of TM on poolside inspection, repair and reconstitution of LWR fuel rods |
Publications Advanced Search | IAEA |
IAEA-TECDOC-1277 (published in 2002), Proceedings of TM |
Publications Advanced Search | IAEA |
IAEA-TECDOC-1635 (published in 2009), Proceedings of TM on PIE and in-pile measurements |
Post-irradiation Examination and In-pile Measurement Techniques for Water Reactor Fuels | IAEA |
IAEA-TECDOC-1693 (published in 2011), Proceedings of IAEA-HOTLAB TM |
Hot Cell Post-Irradiation Examination and Poolside Inspection of Nuclear Fuel | IAEA |
NES NF-T-2.6 Post-irradiation Examination Techniques for Research Reactor Fuels |
Publications Advanced Search | IAEA |
Hotlab conference |
Events | HOTLAB (sckcen.be)