List of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (*)
Country Facility Name Facility Type Fuel Type Facility Status Scale Design Capacity Start of Operation End of Operation
AlbaniaRWSF - Radioactive Waste Storage Facility LLW, ILW, DSRS Storage In Operation Laboratory 300 m3 2000
ArgentinaLos Colorados2 Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial 30 t U/year 1993 1995
ArgentinaArroyito HW Production Facility Heavy Water Production In Operation Commercial 200 t/year 1993
ArgentinaAtucha HW Production Facility Heavy Water Production Shutdown Pilot plant 2 t/year 1988
ArgentinaCordoba Conversion Facility Conversion to UO2 In Operation Commercial 175 t HM/year 1982
ArgentinaEzeiza - Nuclear Fuel Manufacture Plant Fuel Fabrication (U Pellet, Pin, FA) Nat U for PHWR In Operation Commercial 240 t HM/year 1982
ArgentinaEzeiza - Special Alloy Fabrication Zirconium Alloy Production In Operation Commercial 10 t/year 1987
ArgentinaEzeiza - SF Reprocessing Facility Spent Fuel Reprocessing - aqueous route Others Pilot plant 5 t HM/year
ArgentinaLa Estela Uranium Ore Processing Shutdown Commercial 20 t U/year 1985 1990
ArgentinaLos Gigantes Uranium Ore Processing Decommissioned Commercial 45 t U/year 1982 1989
Facilities per page
1-10 of 870

(*) Please note that the list might not include all of the facilities in the world due to the unavailability of the data.

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