Cask Report


Transport of neutron sources
Classification: - Type B(U)F IAEA 1996
- N° 1 : non fissile material - N° 2 : radioactive sources in special form
- French certificate F/342/B(M)F-96 under revision - No validation in other countries foreseen
- Leaktight measurement device
- Total length: 1250 mm - External diameter: 700 mm - Maximal mass of the loaded package :810 kg
- Maximal neutron emission rate: 1,30.108 n/s under 4?. - Maximal power: 17 W - Maximal loading weight : 1 kg
- The internal cavity of the CTB can receive a source holder which is introduced or removed from the outside - The CTB is equipped with a rotating plug and a leaktight transfer system (eff. diam: 105. mm), to accommodate the connection on the hot cell wall for loading.
- On site: Dry - On public roads: Dry
Type of loading/unloading: - Horizontal - Dry loading and unloading
- France (CEA)
Contacts: CEA/MR/DPSN/SSR, 18 route du Panorama, 92 265 Fontenay aux Roses, France M. Gilbert BRUHL – Phone : + 33 1 46 54 97 05; Fax + 33 1 46 54 94 31 – E-Mail:
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