Cask Report


NCS 45
Transport package for irradiated or non-irradiated fuel elements (rods, segments, pellet, pellet residues, powder, …) as well as for non-fissile material
- B(U)F IAEA 1996
- UO2 fuel rods with an enrichment up to 12 % - MOX fuel rods with a content of Pu up to 10 % - MTR assemblies or plates - Uranium and/or Plutonium in any form - Non-fissile material
- Certificate: D/…../B(U)F-96 Rev. 0 valid in Germany till 01.01.2005 - Validation: Planed in F, UK, S, USA, CH + other countries, if necessary
- Different internal arrangements such as fuel baskets, orifice tools, … - Auxiliary transport means (i.e. extendable lifting device from 1 to 15 m - in steps of 0,4 m, earth quake stabilizers, fuel basket handling devices, …)
- Total length: 6.207 mm - Effective length of cavity: 5.307 mm - All other useful dimensions: ……. - Internal diameter of cavity: 220 mm - Weight without shock absorbers: 19,56 t - Weight of shock absorber: 2,24 t
- Loading weight: 150 kg Heavy Metal - Maximal burn up: 120 GWd/MG - Minimum cooling time: 10 d depending on the burn up - Maximal thermal output: 3.000 W + every items needed
- The NCS 45 is …… - The NCS 45 is equipped with a rotating plug and a leaktight transfer system (useful diameter …. mm) to accommodate the connection on the hot cell wall for loading (to be confirmed)
- On site: Wet or dry - On public roads: Dry
- Vertical and horizontal - Dry loading and unloading
- Germany (…) To complete
NUCLEAR CARGO + SERVICES GmbH, Rodenbacher Chaussee 6, 63457 Hanau, Germany M. Martin MANDLA – Phone: +49 61 81 50 12 56; Fax: +49 6181 501 71 – E-mail:
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